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Why Equipel?

There are many reasons to use our compressed wood pellet bedding, here are a few:


  • Reduce Respiratory Issues caused by dusty bedding.

  • Made from Recycled Materials & Waste By-Products from the timber industry. 

  • Less Waste - very little bedding is removed when mucking out.

  • Less Storage Needed - Unlike shavings, our bags are compact and use less of your precious storage space.

  • Fewer Flies - we can't scientifically explain this one, but all of our clients have WAY fewer flies.

  • Reduced Odour - by absorbing urine, the bedding reduces the burning smell of urea.

  • Cost Effective - by taking out less bedding everyday our wood pellets can work out far more cost effective.

  • Soft Bedding - our bedding is soft underfoot, but still holds its shape.

  • Super Absorbent - wood pellets absorb mess like no other bedding on the market.

  • Promotes Healthy Hooves - by absorbing moisture, the bedding keeps hooves from drying out and cracking. Farriers love this bedding.

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